Friday is my favorite day of the week. I spend the afternoons finishing up little jobs that didn’t get done throughout the week and listing out what needs to be done for Monday. Once my work week ends, I head home knowing that I get to spend the next 48 hours with my family without having to go into the office. It is a great feeling and one that I am coming to appreciate more and more each week.
We make Friday afternoons special at our house. We have one of my favorite meals, pizza and wings, for dinner. Addison gets really into picking out the show she wants to watch and it’s funny to watch her trying to figure out if she would like to watch Frozen for the 100th time or some show Jen or I am trying to convince will be great. This is the only meal during the week we let Addison sit at the coffee table and eat while she watches a show. Most nights we try to start getting Addison ready for bed around 7:30. On Friday’s we let her stay up a little later to finish her show or play a game before bedtime. Once Addison is in bed, Jen and I will find a movie on Netflix to watch. I think it is our way of having a date night each week.
Once Addison is in bed, Jen and I will find a movie on Netflix to watch. I think it is our way of having a date night each week.
I always make sure that I will be work free Friday night in order to spend the time with my family. I am sure the girls are going to get into their teens and not want to spend Friday night home with there mom and dad but that won’t be for a while. I am going to soak this up as much as I can while it lasts.
I am going to try to fit a short trail hike into the schedule this weekend. Hopefully we can have some great pictures to share tomorrow and/or Sunday.
Loved Funday Friday! I liked taking Addison to the video store & having her go through the videos ! She admitted she had seen most but had her favorite story to tell about them. I also loved her repeating lines from the movie during the week!!! My favorite though was her dressing up in her princess dress, heels & crown & dancing! I have a video of her twirling around singing over & over, “some day my prince daddy will come!” : )