First Hike of the Season

It was a great day today. Now that the snow is finally starting to go away we were able to go for a little bit of a hike. It was a lot of fun! I will post some more pictures once I am able to go through them a little better.

It was a great day today. Now that the snow is finally starting to go away we were able to go for a little bit of a hike. It was a lot of fun! I will post some more pictures once I am able to go through them a little better.


Author: Chris Kindred

Father, Husband, Tech Guy. I love the outdoors and helping people get the most out of technology. Friend me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also put me in one of your circles on Google+

One thought on “First Hike of the Season”

  1. Yeah! I am so glad you all were able to get out & soak up some of the awesomeness that surrounds you! I am sure the girls enjoyed it as well!

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