Since the beginning of May I have written a post a day. That’s 22 posts in 22 days including over 6,000 words. I have covered a lot about my newest daughters birth and all the tribulations of having a child born with Congenital Heart Disease. I have talked about things that have been going on in my life and even some things that I want to have go on in the future. I am pretty proud of my accomplishment so far since I have never tried anything like this before.
I had 3 goals when I started this Post a Day Challenge.
The first goal was to get as much information out as I could about Isabel’s birth. I believe I have done a good job with that so far and there is still more to come in the near future. I am only to the second week of January in Isabel’s Birth story and we didn’t get to leave Denver until February 3rd.
The second goal was to learn that things don’t have to be perfect all the time. When I first started this it was very hard for me to finish anything that was written. I would spend hours writing and proofing an email. It was a gross waste of my time and would keep me from spending as much time on doing what needed to be done in the first place. I have quickly learned that I can read over something once or twice and feel confident that it is written well. I am sure it could be better but it isn’t always worth the time to re-examine every sentence just to eliminate one or two extra words.
My third goal was to share my believes and not fear being criticized for them. I am a Conservative, Christian, White Male and based off my Facebook feed I am in the minority on the Internet. I think there is way to much ignorance on the Internet and want to be able to have a conversation with you without blindly following the pack, right or left, like so many do. I want to be able to hone my believes so that when the time comes I can share them or explain them intelligently.
I was reading through some of the old posts this morning and I realized that even though I have shared a lot about what is going on in my life, I haven’t shared much about my own thoughts. I have played it safe by not trying to make somebody mad or challenging myself. I have avoided topics that have been buzzing around specifically because I didn’t want cause somebody to not like me because of how I think or what I believe.
I am quickly learning that if you don’t stand for something you might not be standing at all.
You are doing a great job! What an admirable undertaking and so much information is being shared! Thank you! Keep it up!
Thank You, PJ! It has been a lot of fun so far. I wouldn’t want to do a post a day every month but multiple a week for sure.