2015 Goals

Isabel's Birthday

It is time to share my 2015 goals. I figure if I share them with you, then you will hold me to them.

Post Once a week

One of the things I loved about doing the Post a Day was that it forced me to do something different and out of my comfort zone. I think posting once a week will do the same thing. Each week I am going to release a post on Thursday. Hopefully there are others during the week but Thursday will be the main post each week.

I am also going to start focusing a little more on the images that I post. I have been slowly learning more about photography and want to be able to use this platform as a place to showoff some of that as well. I have joined a Facebook group that does a weekly photo challenge and will be posting to that each week as well.

Schedule Time with the Family

Last year I had a lot going on with work and trying to get to all of Isabel’s doctors appointments. This year I want to set time to spend with my family. I know it sounds silly to “Schedule Time” but what I really mean is to set time aside away from my phone and computer to spend quality time with the kids and Jen.

I want to set time aside to go visit family as well. It was great to see family during our move and it made me realize that it had been too long. One of the things going back and forward to doctors has made me realize is that my job allows me to travel and still get things done. We should take advantage of that more often. This year we are going to schedule trips to Oklahoma and Texas to see family.

Get Into Shape

I haven’t spent any time working out since football back in college. I am going to eat a little better and get back down to a weight that is easy to manage and allows me to spend more time running around with the kids. It was a little ridiculous to run the bases during softball last year and feel like I was going to die just getting from first to second. I am starting off the year at 216 lbs. When I was at NAPS I weighed 175 lbs. I would love to get back down to that but realistically I would be happy to be down to 185 lbs.

Be More Spiritual

Living in Crested Butte, I had trouble finding a church that I fit in well with. Now that we are in North Carolina I want to find a church that my family and I can go to and participate with consistently. I have always wanted to find a good Bible study group to join and just haven’t made the time or effort to do so. I have been trying to finish the Bible in a Year reading plan for two years now. This year I is the year that I am going to get through it.

Now that I have set my goals, How do I make sure to keep them? That is always the problem. Does anybody have any good suggestions for making sure I keep up with my goals this year and not let them slip out of site? Leave a comment below with your suggestions.

Author: Chris Kindred

Father, Husband, Tech Guy. I love the outdoors and helping people get the most out of technology. Friend me on Facebook, Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn. You can also put me in one of your circles on Google+

6 thoughts on “2015 Goals”

  1. Chris,

    I’m not one to set resolutions, but I am a good cheerleader.

    (1) EVERY single day this year is a brand new start. If you miss posting on a Thursday, don’t let that stop you from posting any other day or the next Thursday or whenever. I *love* reading your posts! And half the time, I don’t know what day it is anyway. 🙂

    (2) If you don’t eat like you should for a week or two, or for a month, don’t give up on your goal! Simply pick up and start from wherever you are at that moment.

    (3) You are a busy professional, husband, and father with a lot on your plate. So above all else—whatever you do or don’t do this year—enjoy every moment of life!

    (4) You’ll find a church meant for you and the family, probably when you least expect it.

    Our door is always open. Love you all bunches!


  2. enjoy every moment! This above all. I would say in this order:
    1. Take care of yourself -health and exercise make you feel great! little changes and cooking healthier are worth how good everyone will feel and don’t call it a diet!!
    2. Enjoy every moment with your kids -play, laugh and be goofy. Play lots of games together and travel as much as you can with your unit.(even if you go to the library or a museum!) Get them involved in sports as it is a lifetime habit they always come back to. Soon enough they become adults and you wonder how it all flew by. The time you spend with them is well worth the investment for the future.
    3. Love you wife, love your life (this goes both ways Jen) Know there will be rocky roads but you are in it for the long haul and it is so worth working at it. We are coming up on 26 years and it has been a wild and wonderful ride so far!!
    4. You already know this but be grateful every day. Every day since Dave got hurt skiing, I realize how important this one is.
    5. Choose happiness.
    6. Be positive and mindful. This one can be tough during challenging times so I really try to focus on one good thing!! Everyone has crappy things happen that we don’t know about Your comment or action could make or break someone’s whole day
    7. Be organized with your household. This is a big one but is important to keep up a system so you can find important things! That is it for now haha
    I have to say that I’m so flowing of ideas because of Daves skiing accident last Saturday!! He has a few fractured ribs, concussion and knee is pretty hurt. I am grateful he’s still here. Our Family , friends and neighbors have been the amazing support I have needed to not completely fall apart. Leaning on them is okay. I have good and bad mental days about all the circumstances and that he might not Be Able to work for a while. I’m okay with that now. Day by day is the new me! He is getting better every day and that is awesome!
    Xoxo good luck with your goals and remember above all to enjoy what makes you happy and take it day by day

  3. chris!!! It’s been so long! Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous!! She looks just like you!! So I guess that’s weird that I called you gorgeous lol!!
    As far as your goals if you write them down and post them somewhere that will help you get a slap in the face everyday! This is the first I have seen of your site but I will definitely check it out. 🙂 just know people are watching, old and new friends! Your family is in our prayers.

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